Two Scrums Up

New Season; New Norms

February 02, 2021 John Ragozzine & Sarah Rose Belok, Certified Scrum Masters Season 2 Episode 1

Season 2 begins with an exuberant welcome to new co-host, Sarah Rose Belok! Learn why clear and upheld norms can steer teams beyond unproductive behaviors to do their BEST work (even teams of two!). John and Sarah Rose model how to identify and finalize a set of norms, by working through their own norms for the podcast.


Podcast Norms

  • Be transparent about where we're at. Only record show when we're both ready.
  • Tell me where your head is at. This will help us adapt to our moods and tones. 
  • Share the mic. Push for equity of voice in recording and editing.
  • Respect each other's privacy.
  • Use 'I' statements. Avoid broad generalizations.
  • Speak your truth. Stay positive, but honest.
  • Ask WHY. If something's unclear, we push each other to clarify.
  • We make decisions together. Nothing goes live unless we are both happy.
  • We will make mistakes, tell me when so I can learn.


Practical resources to use right away:

  •  Norms Construction —  National School Reform Initiative
  • The Power of Protocols: An educator's guide to better practice 


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